Friday, October 7, 2016

Finozen app Loot: Earn 100 Rs Via Referral & Transfer it to Bank

Finozen app is now giving the chance to earn 100 Rs extra by referring your friends to Finozen account and you can transfer this amount to your Bank account. This app is fully genuine and maintained by IIM and IIT graduates. You can trust on this Finozen app to earn more by referring to your friends. But you have to strictly follow their terms and conditions. Means you have to persuade your referral to earn your referral amount and your referral will also get the money. Another condition is that you have to load that 100 Rs. via using NET BANKING.


Finozen app is the best app in that class where you can invest your money to earn more without doing anything. Just load some money in your Finozen account and your money will grow by 7% to 8%. But the minimal amount of investing is only 100 Rs. which you can withdraw anytime. So follow the below steps to earn more.

Steps to Register on Finozen app

1.First of all go to this link and Download Finozen app.
2.After Downloading Install the app and Open the app and Click on Sign up
3.Now Enter your number, email ID along with our Referral code 9729184087
4.It is necessary to enter Referral code to earn 100 Rs amount on Sign up.
5.Then you have to enter your Bank account number along with Pan card Number details.
6.Now upload your Pan Card copy and proceed to second step to enter either the details of your AADHAR card. ID Proof , Driving Licence.
7.Finally ! you are done now !! Now Load 100 Rs via using net banking.
8.That's it you'll get 200 Rs after completing your transaction.

Refer and Earn 

Open your Finozen app and go to the Top left corner.
You'll see invite option and click on it.
Now share your referral code with your friends 
They will get 200 Rs in to their Bank account you'll 100 Rs when they will load 100 Rs into their account.

Steps to withdraw your earning.

Open the app and Select withdraw option.
Enter your amount and withdraw your earning.

Terms and Conditions

You must upload all your documents to participate in their scheme.
Your money would grow with the rate of 7% -8%
Your account will activate within 3 hours after the submission of your documents.